Objectives, competences and professional departments

General objectives of the title:

    • To train students both for the management of tourism organizations, as well as for the design of new products / tourist packages or for the planning of tourism development projects, with their subsequent application and implementation.
    • Favor the direct contact with the tourism sector.
    • Provide an integrative view of the different subsystems that make up the organization / company system in the tourism sector.
    • To know and understand the evolution of tourism.

Specific objectives of the title:

    • Specialize in Inland and Health Tourism, applying the general objectives to this branch of tourism.


  • CB6 – Owning and understanding knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • CB7 – That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
  • CB8 – That students be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • CB9 – That students know how to communicate their conclusions, and the latest knowledge and reasons that support them, to specialized and non specialized public in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • CB10 – That students have learning abilities that allow them to continue studying in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
  • CG1 – Analyze and relate the dimension and the dynamic nature of Tourism and its impact on management and management.
  • CG2 – Predict the tourist potential of a territory.
  • CG3 – Use business management methods that lead to innovation and business development.
  • CG4 – Define priorities in achieving objectives.
  • CG5 – Hypothetize the new situations.
  • CG6 – Advise strategies and solve problems.
  • CG7 – Plan in a context of social responsibility.
  • CG9 – Apply the techniques of promotion and marketing of services.
  • CG10 – Negotiate: reach agreements.
  • CG11 – Organize and lead teams.
  • CG12 – Define competences and abilities at the individual, group and organizational level.
  • CG13 – Promote the knowledge and develop instruments and procedures that are sensitive to the recognition of differences between women and men, origin and functionality, while enhancing the human enrichment of teams and people without differentiating in terms of gender, opportunities and accessibility for all, including the democratic values of today’s European society, the promotion of the culture of peace and environmental protection.
  • CE1 – Apply planning tools.
  • CE2 – Critically analyze the economic-heritage information of tourist organizations.
  • CE3 – Apply quality systems and environmental, economic and social management.
  • CE4 – Explain the legal framework that regulates tourist activities.
  • CE5 – Differentiate the importance of the networks in which the organization is immersed and use them to face other organizations.
  • CE6 – Describe the management areas of the tourist public administration.
  • CE7 – List the competencies and functions of the different management areas..
  • CE8 – Define new trends in the creation of tourist products.
  • CE9 – Describe the public policies that affect the destination.
  • CE10 – Quote business management techniques.
  • CE11 – Define the tendencies and dynamics of tourist markets.
  • CE12 – Direct, organize and manage environmentally different types of tourist entities, as well as their different departments: Depart. financial, Depart. Commercial, Depart. personal…
  • CE13 – Manage the tourist territory with sustainable criteria.
  • CE14 – Decide on the application of new technologies.
  • CE15 – Diagnose needs and opportunities and identify the potentialities and threats of the destination.
  • CE16 – Design products and prioritize tourism projects.
  • CE17 – Explain the tourist destination as a system.
  • CE18 – Evaluate control systems for the evolution of tourist activity.
  • CE19 – Apply techniques for collecting and analyzing data.
  • CE20 – Relate agents involved in the development of the tourist product.
  • CE21 – Build the image of the organization.

What are the professional outings that I access with this higher education?

Through this master, the student will acquire knowledge related to tourism from fields such as management, planning or marketing, to more specific subjects related to the specialty of the Master, Internal Tourism and Health Tourism. That is why the students who finish this degree are prepared to work in the following fields:

  • Management of companies and tourist activities (specialty Interior and Health Tourism).
  • Planning and management of tourist destinations in public and private institutions.
  • Planning and management of projects for the use of tourist resources.
  • Training and advice in the tourist field. Entrepreneurship of tourist activities.
  • Research of tourist markets.

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